Jenna: (708) 602-6196
Ian: (970) 420-3225
Day of the Event Questions?
Please call our day of the event Coordinator
Jennifer Glenn: (720) 878-1471
Our bartenders will be checking id. Since you don’t have to drive, don’t forget it at your hotel.
The Barn at Evergreen Memorial Park is located at an elevation of 7,755 feet. Please make sure you are drinking plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Humidity is lower at higher altitudes. Sweat evaporates quickly and you may not realize how much water you are losing. The lower oxygen levels also make you breathe in and out faster and more deeply, so that you lose more water through respiration. According to the Wilderness Medical Society, you lose water through respiration at high altitude twice as quickly as you do at sea level. Drinking alcohol at high altitude may also magnify the effects.
Colorado weather is notoriously fickle. On the day of the wedding, it could be 65 degrees and sunny or it could be 20 degrees with a snow storm. Please check the weather before you leave and bring layers to accommodate for a large temperature variation.
All wedding events will be held in doors and the venue is well heated.
Please stay safe! Their is a Sheriff Station very near the venue and the Friday welcome reception. PLEASE DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. A shuttle will be provided for the day of the wedding. If you have too much to drink on Friday night, please call a Mountain Taxi.
Mountain Taxi
Vehicles are late model Mini-Vans with a capacity of up to 6 passengers: